
Friday, January 25, 2008

But what about my dog!

Now I'm reading stories about sending payments to retirees. It's not that i have anything against retirees, as my Dad and all my Aunts and Uncles who all participated in making me who i am, are retirees, but please why not send a check to my dog.

The crux of the matter is this money proposed in the stimulus package is being made up out of thin air. As such it devalues all the other money that was created out of thin air before it. The way to clearly see this is look at the price of gold in dollars and look at the dollar index. What you see is the consequences of making all this money. The cost of it is the rise in prices.

So will these checks make up for the steady rise in prices due to the declining dollar and the rise in commodities, which all are linked to the rapid creation of money? The answer is most likely not. If you have paid an extra $50 a month for gas and an extra $50 to heat your home and an extra $20 a month in food price over the last two years what did that cost you? 120 x 24 = $2880. So if you get $1800 back, assuming a couple, you are still in bad shape. And since the markets have responded to the announced stimulus with more rises in gold and more commodity price increases you can be sure that there is more inflation to come. My guess is the price increases to come more than offset what the average Joe gains from the rebate.

The point is you don't get something for nothing. There is a hidden cost to this stimulus package. You mind as well just admit it is insane and give checks to cats, dogs, and pet reptiles as well. Hey Petco needs to get some of the money too!

I suppose the thing that pisses me off the most about these checks is that the government is just plain asking you to do the wrong thing with it. They want you to spend it. They don't care if you are already in over your head in debt, your job is in trouble, or you are facing serious illness, they just want you to spend, spend, spend. I think it is pathetic that if you teach your children to take the governments advice they are doomed to bankruptcy ... well if they can still actually file for it. Disgraceful!

I will add the check to my rainy day fund which looks like I will need before too long with the clowns running the show right now.

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